Continuing Education
Documentary La Fémis offers three workshops in the field of Documentary filmmaking:
l’Atelier documentaire (Documentary film workshop);
Concevoir un projet de documentaire, (Initiating a documentary film project);
Pitcher, promouvoir son documentaire. (Pitch & promote your documentary film project);
as well as Validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) pour le titre d’Auteur réalisateur de documentaire (validating your career experience in order to graduate to a Master’s degree equivalency diploma of Documentary Writer-Director). -
Screenwriting La Fémis offers three workshops in the field of Feature Screenwriting:
l’Atelier scénario (Screenwriting workshop);
Initiation à l’adaptation de romans (The basics of novel to screen adaptation);
Expertiser un scénario de long métrage de fiction (cinéma ou TV) (Appraise a screenplay for a cinema feature film or a TV movie);
as well as Validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) pour le titre de Scénariste (validating your career experience in order to graduate to a Master’s degree equivalency diploma of Screenwriter). -
Theatrical film exhibition La Fémis offers twoworkshops in the field of theatrical film exhibition:
l’Directeur d’exploitation cinématographique (Theatrical film exhibition director training);
Gestion d’exploitation cinématogaphique, (Theatrical film exhibition manager training);
as well as Validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) pour le titre de Directeur d’exploitation cinématographique (validating your career experience in order to graduate to a Master’s degree equivalency diploma of Theatrical film exhibition Director).