Funding partners

Join La Frémis’ sponsor companies and foundations that support the School’s educational activities and projects.
Become a sponsor company or foundation of La Fémis.
La Fémis benefits from the generous patronage of sponsors that support its educational activities through:
- direct grants to students in difficulty (based on their income),
- donations of equipment and materials,
- funding of final projects,
- financial contributions to teaching modules and more.
Sponsors that have supported the School in recent years include:

- Under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the Fondation Odon Vallet was set up to award grants to particularly disadvantaged young people so they can pursue their education.
The Fondation Odon Vallet lends support to students at La Fémis who encounter difficulties.

- The Fondation Culture et Diversité is the diversity partner of La Fémis as part of its Equal Opportunities" programme. This programme aims to promote access to the School for young people in Education Priority Areas or grant holders in higher education.

- The Fondation Carla Bruni-Sarkozy under the aegis of the Fondation de France gives financial support to students at La Fémis during their placement at Columbia University, as well as to Columbia students when they come to study at La Fémis.

- The company Arri donated equipment to students at the School in 2012.

- Procirep (society of film and TV producers) has helped fund students’ end-of-year projects for several years.

- The company Eclair has provided funding to cover laboratory expenses for students’ final projects.

- Transvideo funded students taking part in the Camérimage Festival.

- Thalès Angénieux funds a learning module and travel costs for several students.
You can join these companies by taking part in the sponsorship opportunities at La Fémis.
What’s more, 294 companies supported La Fémis in 2013 through the payment of their apprenticeship tax, among these were:
- France Télévisions,
- UGC,
- La Petite Reine,
- Quantic Dream,
- Cinéma Magnétique Communication,
- Fidélité Films,
- The Walt Disney Company France,
- Cinémas Gaumont Pathé,
- Tout Sur l’Ecran Productions,
- Publicis.
Be a supporter of La Fémis by contributing your apprenticeship tax to the School.