Exchange Programmes

La Fémis has prioritised the development of its international relations, particularly by organizing exchange programmes between each teaching department and the world’s top film schools.
- DIRECTING DEPARTMENT: Tokyo University of the Arts (Yokohama, Japan)
- SCREENWRITING DEPARTMENT: Columbia University (New York, US)
- EDITING AND CONTINUITY DEPARTMENTS: École Cantonale d’Arts de Lausanne - ECAL (Switzerland)
- PRODUCTION DESIGN DEPARTMENT: Film and Television Institute of India-FTII (Pune, India)
- Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (Ludwigsburg, Germany)
DIRECTING DEPARTMENT: Tokyo University of the Arts (Yokohama, Japan)
At the end of their third year, all 6 students of the Directing department leave for Japan at the Tokyo University of the Arts in Yokohama.
Présentation de GEIDAI
Tokyo University of the Arts - Geidai (TUA) created the Graduate School of Film and New Media in 2005. This school offers a Master and Ph. D. program. The three sections (cinema, animation and media) were created at the same time. The training takes place over two years in a very dense course. The cinema section has 7 departments: direction, script, production, cinematography, sound design, editing and set design. 6 students are selected per department. During their two-year training, each student makes around 5 films (in different formats: HDV, 16mm, 35mm, etc)
Details of the Exchange Programme
Directing students of La Fémis leave for two weeks in Yokohama to follow theoretical and practical courses on directing and each of them creates a short film.
In exchange, producing students of Geidai come to La Fémis in January to follow an intense workshop of theoretical and practical courses in English, including a presentation of the financing system of French cinema, case studies of Asian films released in France with professional meetings.
Within the framework of our relations with China, two directing students from the Beijing Film Academy (BFA) are welcomed at La Fémis in October to participate in the “soundtrack” workshop alongside the 3rd year scriptwriting students, and direct a documentary about Paris.
SCREENWRITING DEPARTMENT: Columbia University (New York, US)
Overview of Columbia University
The Film Department at Columbia University offers a Film Programme that studies film as a vehicle of history. This approach steers, to varying degrees, each of the classes available. Tutoring covers directing, writing and producing and also include technical and history/theory instruction. During the first year, all students follow a mandatory common programme made up of theory classes and practical workshops before choosing to specialise in screenwriting, directing or producing.
Details of the Exchange Programme
During a full month, 3rd year screenwriting students from La Fémis follow a writing workshop specialized in TV series directed by an industry professional, alongside with 6 Columbia students. Students visiting from La Fémis also have the option to attend other courses at Columbia University as observers.
In exchange, La Fémis welcomes two fourth-year directing students from Columbia University for 3 weeks to follow the “Natural lightning” workshop alongside our third-year cinematography students. The workshop aims at raising awareness among American directing students about natural lightning cinematography (inside or outside), and for them to learn the consequences of technical choices of camera formats and optical lenses on the final film form.
La Fémis also hosts three second-year or fourth-year producing students from Columbia who over six weeks to follow the programme of the Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris dedicated to European co-productions, including a one-week internship working for a film sales company during the Cannes Film Festival.
This exchange also brings a screenwriting professor from Columbia over to Paris for five weeks of tutoring in June for second-year producing students.
EDITING AND CONTINUITY DEPARTMENTS: École Cantonale d’Arts de Lausanne - ECAL (Switzerland)
Overview of ECAL
Founded in 1821, ECAL is an art and design university. Since 2006, ECAL has offered a Master’s in film studies as part of the Master’s introduced by the Swiss Film Network, whose members include the HGKZ (Zurich), the UNIL (Lausanne), the UNIZH (Zurich) and the HES-SO (Lausanne, Geneva).
The Master’s programme is tailored to the specialisation chosen by each student, which can be directing, screenwriting or editing. Tutoring is largely practical. The practical time is split between the chosen specialisation and specific workshops (producing, screenwriting, cinematography, sound production, storyboarding, mise-en-scène, editing and more).
Details of the Exchange Programme
Editing students in their third year at La Fémis leave for a five-week placement at ECAL to edit the end-of-programme film projects (fiction or documentary) of ECAL’s final year directing students.
Third year script students from La Fémis also take part ahead in the filming of these films, which are then mixed at La Fémis in June.
In exchange, La Fémis welcomes one or two ECAL students to follow the editing department’s programme for one month, as well as other students from different departments depending on ECAL’s pedagogical needs.
PRODUCTION DESIGN DEPARTMENT: Film and Television Institute of India-FTII (Pune, India)
Overview of the FTII
Located across from the national film archives, the FTII is an independent school under the guidance of the Ministry of Information and Television. It offers intensive practical training through two programmes: film and TV. The number of students is kept deliberately small and learning is mostly done through practical work and tutoring. Directing, cinematography, editing, sound design, production design, acting, screenwriting and animation are the specializations covered.
Details of the Exchange Programme
Fourth-year production design students from La Fémis spend one month in Pune in January or in February to understand production design from an Indian perspective and collaborate on student short film shoots or other projects.
In exchange, La Fémis welcomes two Indian students from production design department during 4 weeks to participate a production design workshop taught in English, as well as two other Indian students from the FTII editing department who follow a special effects workshop.
This program is supported by the French Institute in India and the Indian Embassy in France.
Overview of the INSAS
INSAS (Belgium’s National Graduate School of Performance Arts and Broadcasting Technologies) is based in Brussels. In the film discipline, it offers a directing course and three technical courses. In the stage craft discipline, it offers a dramatic interpretation course and a theatre course based on stage directing, writing, stage technologies, producing and directing radio broadcasts. It favours an approach blending artistic work, practical instrumental apprenticeship and exploring as part of a team.
The tutoring is divided into four audiovisual specialisations: directing (film/radio-TV), cinematography, sound production and editing.
Details of the Exchange Programme
Script students from La Fémis take part in shootings of end-of-study films of INSAS students and vice versa.
Overview of the HFF
Founded in 1966, the HFF is funded by the State of Bavaria. It runs a four-year programme covering both film and television specialisations for some 350 students. There are seven departments: Media Studies, Technology, Feature Film and Television Feature, Film and Television Documentary, Production and Media Business, Screenplay and Cinematography. To date it counts 1,800 graduates and past alumni include Byambasuren Davaa and Luigi Falorni (The Story of the Weeping Camel, final film project), Florian Henckel (The Lives of Others, started as a final project), and Roland Emmerich.
Details of the Exchange Programme
The second-year students from Distribution/Cinema Management Department take a two-week workshop along with HFF’s Production and Media Business Department (one week in Paris, one week in Munich). German and French students team up on issues related to distribution in France and Germany : they meet industry professionals, conduct a comparative analysis of the French and German markets and do practical strategic exercises on German films released in France and French films in Germany.
The six third-year cinematography students from La Fémis participate in the “Night Shoot” workshop in Munich and in return the six HFF image students follow the Cinémascope workshop in La Fémis.
This programme is supported by The French-German Youth Office (FGYO or OFAJ).
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (Ludwigsburg, Germany)
Overview of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
The Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg was founded in 1991 in Ludwigsburg. Every year, over 300 professionals come to tutor students and guide their projects. The school also set up an Institute dedicated to animation, special effects and digital post-production. It is a partner of La Fémis in the Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris.
Details of the partnership
A complete film crew (screenwriter, director, producer and DoP) made up of students from the Filmakademie spend 15 weeks making a fiction short in the same conditions as La Fémis’ third-year students.