Overview of Initiating a documentary film project workshop

The “Initiating a documentary film project” workshop offers filmmakers, baring a documetary film project, the chance to be guided through the first step of developing a documentary film. Dedicated to writing as well as exploratory rushes, it gives directors a welcomed period of time to question, research and dialog on their work in progress.

Targe audience: professionals in the fields of cinema and audiovisual, holding the premises of a documentary film project.


  • Further define the choice of the project’s subject, its narrative and visual modes.
  • Choose or imagine the witnesses, film exploratory interviews and places on a potential situation that could take place during the film.
  • Establish the base of a film dossier that could be later presented to professional partners: a short synopsis (one page), a note of intent (one or two pages) and filmed exploratory rushes.


This workshop is opened only to French-fluent participants who will work on a French-written dossier.


Helena Fantl
Project Manager
+33 (0)1 53 41 21 42