Overview of Theatrical film exhibition director training

La Fémis offers an allover training programme for recently appointed theatrical film exhibition directors or lower-rank managers on the verge of evolving into running a cinema.
Target audience: cinema employees (managers/directors or assistant directors of private or public cinemas, technical managers) interested in improving their skills or moving into upper-management roles.
- improve your cinema management skills,
- increase the reach of your cinema,
- consider the creative challenges of the sector.
The course aims to help students learn all about the corporate and professional environment as well as the general management, communications, events and technological aspects of running a cinema.
It ends with the submission of a business-related dissertation on a specific problem in the sector.
This workshop is opened only to French-fluent participants working in the French theatrical film exhibition sector.
Here is the full and updated presentation in French, with admission process infos and dates, session dates, application and tuition fees, etc.
Anne Lebelle
Project Manager
+33 (0)1 53 41 21 41