Sound Production Department

Department overview by Jean-Pierre Laforce and Stéphane Thiébaut, Heads of the Sound Department.
"Our ambition for teaching sound production at La Fémis is underpinned by a constant concern that all practical and theoretical learning grounded in the many areas of study covered during the course has one overriding objective:
to serve any film project whatever its style.
This ambition is driven by seven principles:
— The acquisition of the essential technical skills and processes needed to approach the craft of sound production for films.
These foundations and the thought process instigated by film projects should help choosing the most suitable technical and artistic resources become second nature.
— The importance of this approach with regard training students on all the different equipment available on the market.
In our training we work with the most common equipment used in the industry so this experience can be rapidly put to the service of any film project.
Without this technical command, free artistic expression would be impossible.
The acquisition of this freedom of expression is the most important prerequisite if students can hope to surpass the so-called opposition of art and technology.
— The ongoing commitment to upholding essential values such as generosity, humility, team spirit, punctuality, respect of others without which any film project would fail from both a personal and professional perspective.
The capacity to acquire a common language with the other collaborators of the film and with the director in particular.
A reciprocal working relationship is the foundation of this programme.
— Impress on students that technical knowledge in itself means very little.
— The assumption that students should not specialise (sound production, sound editing, sound mixing) during the course.
In fact training in these three disciplines will enable students to take the time to find their own natural direction on leaving the School or later.
They will therefore be better equipped when they are thrust into the job market.
Also the practical experience that comes from working with other disciplines will produce a more coherent approach to your own.
— The aim to respect and encourage the unique style of each student through the practical exercises and research projects students are required to undertake at the School.
— Promote experimentation and the freedom to make mistakes."